Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Tuna-Rice Carroty With Sides :)

Tuna -rice Carroty With Sides

This is another delicious recipe for those individuals who feel like eating something different other than meat.

This recipe I did today for lunch and of course it was delicious and I ate every bit :)

This dish consist of tuna, carrot rice, sweet pototoe and plantain and it is so easy to prepare anyone can do it as long as the ingredients is available for use.

Making the tuna sauce is very easy as all you need to do is in a small pan fry some onions , thyme, sweet peppers, garlic, marjaram,chives and of course you can add what other seasonings you like, ketchup ,black pepper and a pinch of curry .

This sauce thicken very fast so keep check on the heat and the time of consistent cooking.

As always the plaintain and the sweet potatoe has a very easy preperation as it's peel wash cut and cook Yes! The PWCC of fast cooking.  :)

And the carrot rice is no exception as it's take out enough rice for the servings, wash and cook, carrots are grated about one will do and added to the rice along with chives, onion, thyme, salt and marjaram and you can add your preference of other seasonings or vegetables to make the rice more exciting ,  so with all the ingredients cook until tender, and serve.

Enjoy!  :)

Monday, 22 August 2016

Sugar 'n' Cinnamon Wheels

Sugar 'n ' Cinnamon Wheels

Well a little idea and I have just made another new recipe, one that the kids in fact everyone will enjoy.

These sugar 'n' cinnamon wheels are very easy to make and it is easy clean up after wards.

I was going to make pancakes but then I decided to try something new, and that  I sure did :)

I don't like to used ready made pancake mix I prefer to do everything on my own, so instead of making the pancakes I decided on this new recipe, and doing so , I did not used the eggs for the mixture I just used flour, baking powder, salt, spice, cinnamon, water and sugar.

All ingredients I blend together to get the right mixture for the wheel consistancy, without the egg, the mixture is going to be just right and not to soft.

When everything is mixed together make sure that the mixture holds onto the spoon when you scoope it up falling gradually with ease.

If it is to thick you can minimized the thickness by adding some water, this recipe can be baked or fried it depends on your preference of choice.

On the stove heat a frying pan or a cookie pan if you are using the oven that is, , place oil or pastry butter, if you don't have a nozzle cake syringe piping gun or a piping bag you can make your own with a new ziplock  bag and cut the corner to get the piping effect.

Just fill the mixture in the instrument that you are using and in the hot pan discard the contents of the mixture making a circle motion as to make the wheel design .

When you have made the adequate amount that you need let it bake or fry until golden brown, it frays and bakes very fast so keep close attention on it.

When the wheels are finished place them on a plate and sprinkle some cinnamon and icing sugar or white sugar on them again your preference of course.

You can also add fruit in the middle and make a fun plate :)

These are so delicious I ate a plate with seven myself, they were so soft fresh and crunchy and so tasty this recipe is for sure going to be a hit with me :) meaning I am going to really work with this recipe and do more with it :) it has great potential :))

I hope that you try this tecipe Enjoy !  :) 

Friday, 19 August 2016

Beet Juice.

Beet Juice.

What can I say about this vegetable? I just like it so much it is a favourite of mind and it reminds me of a heart and the rich color of blood.

Beets are very healthy and essential and it add so much benefits to the body.

I just made myself a beet juice and just it was so delicious tasty and healthy :)

You can juice the beets or blend them into a smootie , any how you prepare it it is just delicious.
I like to grate my beets and eat them as a salad , but I'm doing the beet drink talk so I will continue as such. :)

Beets are high in immune boosting with Vitamin C, fibre and essential minerals like potassium and manganese.

Beets contain the Vitamin B folate which helps nature the risk of blood defects.
PPotassium is essential for healthy nerve and muscle function.

And manganese is good for bones, liver, kidneys and pancreas.

So when ever you feel like having a drink think about the healthy benefits of natural vegetables when made into drinks.

And try some vegetables today, let a beet drink satisfy day day :) 

Monday, 8 August 2016

Hog Plum Drink

Hog Plum Drink.

By no means is a hog involved as it's just the name of the plum :)) and they come in different colors a bigger version that ripens red and this one that ripens with an orange skin.

Both are available here on the island and this orange kind is the first that I have come across so far and Yes! I put my juice works to the test :)

Well this little fruit has a very big seed and at first when I decided to make the drink I was thinking about just peeling the fruit meat off the seed and blend but iI had so many plums so I decided to blend them instead.

But then I looked at the blender and decided to give it a try, and you know what? It worked, dispute the way my blender seemed to want to joggle off the counter :)).

I must say here! Try not to put to many plums in the blender as to much will be heavy on the blades.

If you're having seconds thoughts just peel the fruit meat off the seeds and then blend, to your consistency of preference that is if you want a smoothie or drink, and by the way may I add that the smoothie is tasty as well :))

Blending the fruit as I said is a challenge so you have to do less fruit, take out the seeds from the blender and gradually proceed to blend some more and continue until all the plums are undress of their fruity meat skins.

Strain juice into another jug and after washing the blender place some ice cubes and pour back the strain plum juice.

At this stage you can sweeten if it's your preference or just leave it the natural way , I may also add that both ways are tasty :)

Blend well with ice and serve :) This is a tasty drink Enjoy! :))

Monday, 1 August 2016

Chow Mein With Blue Marlin Sautéed.

This is a so welcoming dish, I just cook it and the recipe I have, like always decide to share its very easy to prepare and you can use the fish of your preference, I like Blue Marlin its very tender sweet and fresh .

The chowmein is prepared its normal way and with mine I did a sweet pepper stir fry to get the colors fused with the yellow of the chowmein.

The fish I prepared salted and season well and with some flower gentle coat, always remember that fish cook very fast and the longer it stays on the heat the more the fish cooks and when frying it tends to get very tough so monitor your fish when you are cooking it.

After frying the fish, just to get a softly golden coat on both sides placed them on a dish and begin with my sauteed sauce.

Before you start to make the sauce take some of the oil out the frying pan just leave in enough to sizzle down your greens and seasonings of sweet peppers, garlic, thyme, marjaram, and onions .

Pour in some water about half a large glass and add blackpepper, curry, ketchup, and a pinch of a seasoning cube.

Leave on a high heat and let sauce minimized to a thick consistancy, taste and add salt if needed as the breakdown of the fused ingredients normally produced they own salt so llittle salt will be needed.

Turn down heat and place fry fish in the sauce to be slightly sauteed, at this point you can turn off heat and just leave the fish to soak up the sauce, which make it tender soft delucious and sweet :)

 Next step is to prepare dishes and serve lunch :) Enjoy!